Big Teal Elephant

Big Teal Elephant
What did you call me?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Something Wicked This Way Comes.......

A lot of things scare me, but nothing scares me more than the thought of the religious right wing politicians taking control of congress.  I don't talk about politics very often.  Basically, I'm a mugwump most of the time.  (mugwump: a person who is unable to make up his or her mind on an issue, especially in politics; someone who sits on the fence with his/her mug on one side and his/her wump on the other)  But these politicians and the people who support them scare the beejeesus out of me, and they should scare it out of you too.

When it comes to elections, I try to vote for the person that I think will do what's best for my country.  In the past I have sometimes voted Republican and sometimes Democrat.  I do lean more to the the left than the right, but if a Republican candidate seemed to be a better choice for running the country, I would vote that way.

The minute I hear a candidate spout about 'family values' my brain goes on red alert!  Everyone of us has our own family values and as sure as bears crap in the woods, I don't want someone foisting theirs on me.  I don't understand people who feel they need to make everyone in the world believe as they do.  It frightens me that these people could get in power and change hard-fought-for laws to tell us who can marry who and take away a woman's right to decide what happens to her body.  What's to stop them from going further and making laws to support more of their Christian beliefs which may not coincide with yours?  Separation of church and state is pretty sacred to me and we the people have to make sure it stays in place.

Here is headline that prompted this post:  Boehner's resignation prompts cheers among GOP's right wing - WHAT?  I honestly believe this is disgraceful behavior.  

Reading further, I came to this:"John Boehner's decision to resign ... is a victory for the millions of grassroots conservatives who worked tirelessly to elect conservatives to control the Congress," said Jenny Beth Martin, president of the Tea Party Patriots." 

Now if that doesn't turn your stomach, it should at least inspire you to vote against the candidates that espouse a religious-based congress.  Your personal beliefs could depend on it!

I need some snicker-doodles.... and I'm gonna go get some and watch Poldark again.


  1. We also have an upcoming election (Oct 19). It's a very close 3-way race (Conservative, Liberal and New Democratic Party) which likely means a minority or coalition government. I have to admit that I'm a huge cynic when it comes to election promises/party platforms. Watching them during debates, I have jokingly said that we should make a drinking game out of hearing certain words (e.g. "middle class", "families", "hard working"), like the old "Hi Bob" game. Clearly, their advisors tell them which buzzwords to sprinkle into every speech and debate, and they all oblige. I don't hear religious undertones about 'values', per se. We don't tend to know or care about our leaders' personal lives as much as you do in the USA, and whether they practice ANY religion. I know that religious freedom is one of the issues that is being hotly debated but it has to do with niqab & citizenship ceremonies, and to be honest, it impacts a negligible number of people, so in the scheme of things I think what matters more would be the economy, the environment, health care -- issues of that magnitude.

  2. I believe the interest in the religious background of the candidates is a recent thing - I don't remember it being an issue for past elections. I have never cared about a candidates religion and never would. I only care about how they would take care of the country.


Step right up and spit it out!