Big Teal Elephant

Big Teal Elephant
What did you call me?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Pringles are my Krptonite

I say that because, once I succumb to buying them and then opening them, I'm POWERLESS to stop eating them !!  Seriously - it doesn't matter if they are loaded with salt and fat and assorted chemicals.  I always take a small stack and think, this will do - and it does for about half an hour or so and then I find myself wandering towards the kitchen again, looking for those restructured taters that taste like they've already been chewed.  I fight the good fight by NOT buying them very often, but I always linger over the display at the store, imaging that salty crunch in my mouth.  I have a small list of foods I find hard to resist and Pringles are right up at the top.

Another one is the crack cocaine of cookies - Snicker-doodles !  I love them more than any other cookie, even the perennial favorite, Chocolate Chips.  If you've never had one, you can find them at Walmart or bake some yourself.   Once the package is open, I'm a goner.

Enough about food.  It's making me hungry and I've really been trying to lose weight, as hard as that is to believe. lol

I was thinking about feeling powerless the other day and what an uncomfortable sensation that is.  It's not often that I feel that way.  Usually there is something one can do to make a situation better.  Take the upcoming election.  I am truly terrified that the reality show/business mogul will actually win.  I see him as a neo-Hitler; a dangerous man (sub-human actually)! Even more terrifying is the number of people who think he is the answer to our country's problems.  I truly believe if he wins, he will lead us into a world war.  I just don't understand why my fellow Americans see him as a good choice to lead our country.

One common thing I've heard on the TV and the net is "He speaks his mind".   So does Kanye West and Rosie O'Donnell - would you vote for them?  "He will make American great again"  Just how will he do that?  He has yet to tell us his plan.  I would seriously like to know what it is.  I'm not an expert in politics, but it's clear to me this person is not qualified for the most important position in our government.  Yet, thousands of  people don't seem to think that matters.

Some people are thinking about voting for him because they hate the opponent, the democrats, the bleeding-heart liberals, etc.  I get that.  I'm usually on the fence about most issues, though I tend to lean to the left a bit more than the right.  I have voted Republican at times, Democrat at other times.  I have even voted for the what I believed was the lesser of two evils.

This election, the Republican party is supporting a person of questionable sanity to represent their party.  A person who thinks Putin is a good 'ole boy.  A person who doesn't know the meaning of the word sacrifice.  A person who wants to know why we don't use our nukes.  I have to wonder.... why? 

Do I think Hillary will make a good president?  I'm not sure, but I feel certain she will be 1000 times better than the other guy.  I have also not ruled out a third party candidate.  I have some time to make up my mind, but I would write in Donald Duck before I'd vote for that hate-filled sorry excuse for a human being. 

Interesting segue from junk food to junk candidate, eh?  I only hope and pray that everyone who sees the danger in this man will vote appropriately to prevent him from taking office, even if it means voting for what they see as the lesser of two evils.  I may not have the power to make this happen, but I do have the power to vote in a way that will allow me to sleep at night.

1 comment:

  1. With you all the way on this one ( even the Pringles). I think one of the most telling things about DT was in his acceptance speech when he proclaimed he was the only one who could save this country. A self proclaimed savior is pretty scary.


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