Big Teal Elephant

Big Teal Elephant
What did you call me?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

At Long Last..the end! Book 12, Poldark Saga

It took me awhile to get it from the library, but finally, last week I got the notice it was waiting for me to pick up.   I'm going to say right out that I was pleasantly surprised by this story and feel it is one of my favorites of the series.   I think because there is not so much history in it.   Don't get me wrong, I like the historical aspect of all the stories, but I have on occasion, rushed through passages of it in my haste to move the story along. lol  So less is more in this case and I like that.

Things are still going well for Ross in terms of the mines and having money to keep his family and lands very well.  He and Demelza are still in love, though there are moments when their easy camaraderie goes awry - especially when it comes to his relationship with Valentine.  Add to that an attraction to Harriet Warleggan! I was actually irritated with Ross when he started coming on to her (much like Demelza was).  I'm talking to the book.... 'don't do that Ross !!  Just don't!"  Thankfully it did not move beyond overt flirting.  

Clowance is still trying to learn to live with the loss of Stephan.  It is hard for her because she loved him so much, but she also was so angry that he married her knowing very well he was already married to another women.  He was such an ass-hat!  I was glad when he ended up in the bone yard.  Now, she finds herself being courted by a handsome officer name Phillip Prideaux, who is suffering from what we would call PTSD today.  At the same time, a former suitor, Lord Edward has come back into her life asking her to marry him.  She cares for both of them and gives careful thought to who she says 'yes' to.

Little Bella is now a young woman and is still in love with Christopher.  He asks her parents for permission to marry her, but they are reluctant because she is still quite young.  Bella's singing voice is exceptional and after some fast-talking from her love, Christopher, Ross and Demelza agree to let her go to London for voice lessons.  Her dream is to be on the stage!  She is well-received by more than one vocal teacher.  While in London, she meets Maurice, a Frenchman who is enthralled with her beauty and her vocal ability.  He tries to horn in on Christopher's territory and is successful in getting her to run away with him to France to star in an opera he is producing called The Barber of Seville.   He then seduces her.  What a cad!  However, she is a willing partner.  She is a huge success in the Opera.  Ross, shows up unexpectedly and is amazed at her performance and proud too.  He is not too happy about her involvement with Maurice.  

Meanwhile, back in Cornwall there is a serial killer roaming the dark pathways!!  Demelza finds herself out one evening heading home when she is attacked - she narrowly escapes.  She does not tell Ross about what happened.  Early on, it's easy to think Phillip is the killer as he has 'episodes' of anger.  But as the story progresses another suspect comes forward and you have to wonder is it him or Phillip or someone else??  

 Bella comes back from France. Her relationship with Christopher is shaky but not over.  She is not feeling well and soon it is apparent she is seriously ill with the Morbid Throat!!  Her sister, Julia, died from this very disease and Demelza and Ross are out of the minds with worry over her.  Clowance comes to stay with them to help nurse her back to health.  She survives, but her ability to sing is diminished.  She is heartbroken over this.  

Back to the killer - we find out who is the culprit when he corners Demelza in her home one night when she is there alone.  He calmly tells her his feelings about women and how he is going to kill her just as he killed the others!  Demelza is terrified and Ross is nowhere nearby to stop this from happening when suddenly Phillip saves the day and puts him out of commission with a blow to the head. 

By far the most interesting part of this story to me is a fleshing out of the character Valentine Warleggan, in particular his relationship with Ross.  He truly hates George and Ross steps in to be the father he needed and still needs.  George, though still a nasty little dick at heart, has actually mellowed a little.  However, his feelings towards Valentine have not changed.  He is not even that moved at the birth of his grandson, George, at least at first.  He still harbors that fear that Valentine is not his son, therefore, George is not his grandson.  Things change though when Val's wife leaves him for schtupping a mentally disabled young women, Agneta Treneglos, daughter of Ruth and John.  Though he has dallied many times before, this time, the poor girl ended up dead at the hands of the mysterious killer stalking the area.  It was the last straw for Selina and she packs up little Georgie and leaves him.  She eventually turns to big George for financial help and he helps her on the condition that he will take on little George's upbringing. 

Valentine is still a libertine and a rake by any standards, however we get to see another side to him.  He is often describe as 'just like Ross' father' - getting himself into hot water with his antics.  Ross tries to give him guidance and you can see that in his heart, he believes Valentine is his son.  After his heartbreaking loss of Jeremy, this wild child of Elizabeth's strikes a cord in him.  He has to do what he can to help him, yet still keep enough distance to keep both Demelza and George from fretting about it.

The oddest aspect of the story is the introduction of a great ape, Butto.  Yes, I said great ape, a baboon I think given the size, but maybe it's a chimp.  Anyway, here is where we see a side of Valentine that warms the cockles of our collective hearts when he rescues the ape from a cruel owner and a life of misery; tenderly caring for him and giving him a good home.  I found Butto to be a weird addition to the story, however he has his role to play.  He starts a fire at Valentine's home and inadvertently causes the death of not only himself, but his master too.  The fire nearly kills Ross as he tries in vain to save his son.  He is devastated by this loss and withdraws from everyone, including Demelza, who takes it quite hard, though she tries to be understanding about it.  I think it is Bella's superb performance in Romeo and Juliet, playing Romeo, that helps Ross out of his depression.  It certainly helps her feel better about her future in theater!

In the end, things are wrapped up quite nicely with Clowance married to Edward, Bella on her way to stardom and back completely with Christopher.  Ross is coming back to his normal self.  Demelza happily making wedding plans for her daughter.

All in all, I found this to be a very good read and had a hard time putting it down.  I really wanted to find out who the killer was!  I would say to those who think this book is about Bella, it is not really.  Her story didn't really get going until almost half way through the book.  I think maybe Winston Graham did not like leaving Valentine as a kind of side note in the other books and graced us with this wonderful glimpse into his relationship with his real Dad, Ross Poldark.  It's a little sad to think this is the last book.  I wonder if the series will get this far?


  1. loved this! I've read the book 2 or 3 times and will read it again... some people didn't like the introduction of Butto, or the serial killer, but I thought it made for an exciting read!

    1. Hi Bonny! I agree. I'd like to see it portrayed in the series, but I'm wondering if they will get that far.

  2. Aidan said recently that he hopes all the books are filmed. I really hope so too, they've all got good story lines, and altho Romelza feature less in the later books, it will be interesting to see how they age.

  3. I thought there was a bittersweet ending to Ross and Demelza;s story, especially since she seemed to realize that Ross would always have feelings for Elizabeth. Also, Ross finally admitted to himself that he had raped Elizabeth and caused a great deal of trouble and tragedy from his actions.

  4. I thought there was a bittersweet ending to Ross and Demelza;s story, especially since she seemed to realize that Ross would always have feelings for Elizabeth. Also, Ross finally admitted to himself that he had raped Elizabeth and caused a great deal of trouble and tragedy from his actions.


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