Big Teal Elephant

Big Teal Elephant
What did you call me?

Monday, May 18, 2020

The upside of Quarantine

In early March, the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 showed up in Michigan... a challenge for a lot of people in many ways.  For me, being retired, it has not been as hard as it has been for some.  I have been using my time sewing, organizing, bingeing TV, and taking rides for photo ops (away from people, with mask in hand in case I need it). I made some masks and surgical bonnets before starting a few doll dresses that have been on the back burner for a bit

What I'm most excited about is investing in a CD player - yes, you read that right - in this day of mp3 players, I got a CD player! One that loads up to 5 CD's.  Why?  I started organizing my media stuff; you know CDs, DVDs and even Cassettes.  As I'm looking through my beloved music that hasn't been played in years, I decided I needed to do something about it.  Now I know I could easily upload and convert them all to mp3 files, but the time involved turned my thoughts in a different direction.  I had this tax rebate that I could use to get a player!  So I did.  I'm in musical heaven again.

I'm a folk music lover.  A seed planted in my youth when a folk revival in the early sixties hit mainstream radio took root and stayed with me ever since.  I love all kinds of music (even Opera LOL) but folk music speaks to me in a way no other music can.  I like to sing and I tend to rate songs on their 'sing-ability'.  A good melody that's easy to join in on is most important to me. Folk music fills that bill in spades.

One day, way back in the '90's, I was in line at the credit union, surfing channels on the car radio, when suddenly I heard something that sounded suspiciously like a folk song.... I had stumbled on the Folks Like Us show on Detroit PBS radio!  The show was hosted by a local singer/songwriter, Matt Watroba.  Every Saturday after that I tuned in whenever I could and listened to the music of my soul.  I have Matt to thank for introducing me to the finest folk musicians from all over America, Canada, and indeed the whole world.

I already had a love for those sixties folks - Peter, Paul, and Mary, Tom Paxton, The Kingston Trio, Chad Mitchell Trio, The Smothers Brothers, Joan Baez, etc, etc, etc.  Then suddenly there was this whole new well of troubadours to learn to love, thanks to Matt.  Most notably, Stan Rogers, Anne Hills, Eric Bogle, Cheryl Wheeler, Steve Goodman, oh this would be a VERY long list if I named them all.

Anyway, what got me to thinking about this of course was the new CD player and a giant stack of CDs which are now all nicely put into 3 new CD holder books.  Today, I chose to play one of my all time favorites that I haven't listened to in at least 3 years - Tom Russell's anthology, The Man From God Knows Where - a most amazing collection of songs chronicling his ancestry back to the pioneers who came to America from Ireland and Norway.  It's one of those unique, unexpected even, productions that deserves every accolade you can think of - it's THAT GOOD.  And yes, Matt introduced me to it and I'm forever grateful.

So as I laze away yet another day in quarantine, I am listening to the music that makes not only my heart sing, but my voice too.  Where would the world be without music?

Find more about Matt here:  Matt

Play Music on the Porch Day

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Invocation for Peace

These are frightening times for people like me.  Recently I came upon this speech given by the Pope and I felt compelled to share it.  If everyone took it to heart, what a world it could be.  


Lord, God of Abraham, God of the Prophets, God of Love, you created us and you call us to live as brothers and sisters. Give us the strength daily to be instruments of peace; enable us to see everyone who crosses our path as our brother or sister. Make us sensitive to the plea of our citizens who entreat us to turn our weapons of war into implements of peace, our trepidation into confident trust, and our quarreling into forgiveness.

Keep alive within us the flame of hope, so that with patience and perseverance we may opt for dialogue and reconciliation. In this way may peace triumph at last, and may the words “division”, “hatred” and “war” be banished from the heart of every man and woman. Lord, defuse the violence of our tongues and our hands. Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word which always brings us together will be “brother”, and our way of life will always be that of: Shalom, Peace, Salaam! 

~ Pope Francis
Vatican Gardens
Sunday, 8 June 2014

Read the whole address here:  Invocation for Peace

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Poldark - series 5

What the hell happened?

First time ever:  NO spoiler alerts!  LOL

It seemed to take forever to get here, but season five is officially over here in the states.  I purposely stayed away from my favorite fan sites because I did not want any spoilers, so I had no idea what to expect.   While there were some nice affectionate scenes between Ross and Demelza, overall the whole series left me feeling somewhat cheated...…  cheated of a GOOD story. 

I  hated the whole first few episodes with Morwenna sneaking around trying to spend time with her son.  I did not like the whole Jamaica thing.  I did not like the hinting that Dr. Ennis would be interested in Kitty.  The only thing I did like was watching Jack Farthing do his best work as crazy George!!  Don't get me wrong - I still loved seeing Aidan on my screen and the rest of gang from the other four seasons, but it wasn't enough to make me want to add the DVD to my collection.

To sum it up, I believe Debbie Horsfield did a pretty good job on the screenplay for the first four seasons, but as a storyteller, she clearly is not up to snuff.  Almost everything about her script was plain old bad writing.  Poor Winston, no doubt, is rolling in his grave. 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Poldark -Season 4 revisited

I have been wanting to post on season 4 for quite awhile, however, I like to watch a second time before I put my thoughts out there.  I was finally able to purchase the blueray and have enjoyed catching all the things I missed first time around.  With season five airing overseas soon, I figure this little recap will just in time! As usual, there was a lot that happens, but I hope I get the gist of it all, not necessarily in order.

We open with our hero rising up out of the sea like a mythical god, wearing only his breeches, his beautiful chest heaving as he reflects on Demelza and Hugh and what he imagines them doing!  (You will remember last season ended with Demelza returning from her tryst with Hugh and telling Ross to ask her no questions)  His reverie is interrupted as his wife and children join him on the beach.


Demelza remarks she saw him swimming away to which Ross responds "I'm still here" with a painful look in his eyes.  Demelza, looking into said eyes says "As am I".

Meanwhile, back at Trenwith, George and Lizzy are getting along fine since she swore on the bible that Valentine was his son and threatened to leave him; Hugh is still writing poetry to Demelza; Zacky Martin's boy, Jago arrives only to find out grain (that the starving people need) is being shipped off to Lisbon.

Jago Martin is pissed that the grain is not going to the people at home who need it and takes off to the docks to see what he can do about it.  Sam and Drake follow him to try and stop him from doing anything stupid, which of course, they fail to do.  Jago and others start rioting and the Carne boys try to stop him.  A merchant is killed.  Unfortunately, Tom Harry is there to witness things and runs off to tell George what he saw.  Naturally George sees a great opportunity to put the screws to Ross, so he rats on them.  Ross has the unhappy duty of arresting them but assures them it will be fine and he will do what he can.  (Seriously? when is it ever fine where court is concerned? lol )

As expected, things don't go well.  George sneakily moves the trial time up so Ross isn't there. Several men are pardoned, some are transported, and poor Jago, Drake, and Sam are sentenced to be hanged!  Ross tries to help, all the while making sure Demelza knows nothing about what is going on.  In the end, however, it is Jago who insists Sam and Drake are innocent and after an impassioned plea from Ross, they are released.  Jago is not so lucky and hangs for the crime of murder.  Zacky is inconsolable at the loss of his son.

On a high note, Dr. Ennis finds out he will be a father!! He's so happy, which is short-lived, as shortly after his little girl is born, he realizes little Sarah has a heart problem and will not live very long.  He keeps it to himself for awhile, but eventually tells Ross.

Hugh is supposed to run for Parliament, but his failing health prevents him from doing that.  Ross is convinced to stand in his stead and much to the chagrin of George, wins!  He is still worried that Demelza is seeing him as a second choice (as if...) to Hugh and thinks a little time and distance will help.  Hugh does not survived his illness and Demelza is crushed, though her true abiding love is for Ross, Hugh had a special place in her heart.

Morwenna is still miserable and is forced back into bed with the odious Ozzie, who we all know is a  disgusting toe-sucking monster.  At the same time, he hooks up with her sister again.  He eventually gets caught in the act by Rowena's husband and pays the ultimate price for his philandering!  But not before a dying man confesses he lost a great deal of money investing for Pascoe's bank.  He tells George, who then hatches a plan to bring down the bank, which also leaves Ross and Demelza with no savings.  Such a bastard.

Drake is still in love with Morwenna, but has been pushed into marrying sweet Rosina.  He finds out Ozzie is dead and breaks off the engagement only to find out Morwenna will not have him!  She is pregnant.  He is heartbroken yet again.  Rosina's family gets back at Drake for dumping Rosina and burns down his business.  Morwenna loses the baby and goes to Drake to tell him why she rejected him.  He sees hope that they will be together after all.

Ross does a lot of speechifying in London and tries his best to rally support to help the poor.  He returns home to face a flooding disaster in the mine. While he is home, Dwight and Caroline's little baby, Sarah gets sick and dies.  Everyone is heartbroken.  Ross stupidly asks Demelza if her extreme reaction to Sarah's death is not somewhat because of Hugh's. He can be so dumb sometimes.  Anyway, it was a reminder of losing Julia, not Hugh and it really hurt her that he could think that. Caroline decides to move to London to try and recover and does not want Dwight to go with her.  Ross goes back to Parliament.  While in London, He spends some time with Caroline and Geoffrey Charles and meets Monk Adderly, a new character to hate!  Worse than George, as bad as Ozzie, he oils he way around looking to make trouble.

Ross has a nice talk with Caroline, urging her to let herself grieve, talking her into coming back with him when he returns home.  They get back and learn about the bank failing.  Ross does what he can to try to save Pascoe.  Ross returns to London, this time with Demelza and Dwight and Caroline.

It was a delight to see Ross and Demelza cavorting and kissing in the bedroom, effectively putting the past behind them.  Naturally, these happy things don't last.  Demelza is a bit overwhelmed by life in London society and not sure how to act when she and Ross go to a ball put on by the Warleggans. Creepy Capt. Adderly makes a bet with George he can get into Demelza's knickers and goes after her full speed ahead.  Demelza is not sure how to handle his advances and Ross doesn't step in and tell him to get lost, even though he is clearly jealous.  He has an altercation with Monk at parliament, who responds with a request to settle the insult with a duel.  Against Dwight's advice, he agrees and ends up killing Capt. Asshat, while getting wounded himself.  Punishment for dueling is hanging, but before he dies, Monk says he injured himself which lets Ross of the hook (even though everyone knows the truth, there is no proof).  Demelza is so upset about the whole thing, she goes home, leaving a note for Ross to find when he wakes.

When Ross gets home, they have a heartfelt conversation which helps to further heal their relationship.  Caroline and Dwight also work things out.  However, things are not so good at Trenwith.  Geoffrey Charles remarks about how much Valentine looks like Uncle Ross.... OH-OH - George does not take this very well.  Elizabeth, desperate to convince him Valentine is indeed his, goes to the apothecary to get something that will bring on premature birth.  She eventually takes the drug and has a baby girl.  This makes George believe that Val is his son.  Shortly after the birth, Elizabeth becomes very ill and painfully dies!!  George is devastated as is Ross.  There is a beautiful yet heartbreaking scene with Ross overlooking the sea and remembering Elizabeth when they were first in love.

Ross tells Demelza he at last realizes how she felt when Huge died.  She tells him, it's not the same, as their relationships with these other people were very different.  She also assures him that while Hugh had a piece of her heart, Ross is the only one who ever owned it.!!   

The series ends with a very happy Morwenna and Drake leaving the church a married couple.  

I'm sure I missed a few things, some of the nuances that are important to the story, but this is what stood out the most in my mind.  What will season 5 bring us?  I'm so looking forward to it and I hope it's fabulous.  

Thursday, December 20, 2018

To Boldly the internet - Star Trek Discovery

I recently finished watching season one of Star Trek Discovery and thought I would share a few thoughts I had about it without giving too much away!

Die-hard original series fans might not find it enjoyable, but I did.  Our main character, Michael Burnham, is an orphan who was raised on Vulcan by Spock's parents.  Some fans might have trouble imagining that Sarek and Amanda have an adopted daughter, but I didn't.  Remember when Spock suddenly had a half- brother?  Sometimes you have to rewrite history a little to get a character where you want it to be and since it is a brand new one, it's not so hard to accept. (as opposed to the JJ Abrams disaster with Uhura and Spock being an item, among other wrongful changes - I hated that SO MUCH)

I had a slight issue with changing the appearance of the Klingons yet again. Also, although it was neat to have the Klingons speaking their language, with subtitles for us humans, I had to keep rewinding to read what I missed because I was doing something!

It took a few episodes to figure out where in the timeline this edition falls, which was about 10 years before Kirk and Spock take the Enterprise out to the final frontier.  Christopher Pike is the captain of the Enterprise.

There was very little humor, however, I think that once the characters are well established that could change.  I think viewers need to get to know the quirks and habits of each individual before they can appreciate a humorous comment, so if the show survives more than 2 seasons, maybe we will see some.

One thing that is different is It's more of a continuing story than a different one each episode, like in the former shows.  I liked the story arcs for the most part, though sometimes I was a little confused. Some good twists and not to much gory stuff to see.

Michael Burnham is a complex woman, with Vulcan sensibilities and human vulnerabilities.  We see the story play out through her eyes. Sonequa plays the part very well. The series introduces a new species called Kelpiens, one of which is the First Officer, Saru. It could be interesting to learn more about them. Captain Gabriel Lorca, played by handsome Jason Isaacs - I really wanted to like him, but he just wasn't Captain-y enough for me! (Could it be, I just see Lucius Malfoy no matter how hard I try?)  I definitely need more time to bond with the gang and ferret out my favs.  However, that might not be easy!

Capt. Lorca, Michael Burnham, Saru

The show is only on CBS All access and has a monthly fee, one with commercials and a larger one with no commercials.  I watched season one for free due to a holiday special for one month free viewing.  I really dislike the idea of paying for a streaming service that has commercials when I'm already paying for cable TV (can't get but one station with a digital antenna).  The commercial-free offer is a bit too steep for my fixed income.  What's a gal to do?

Bottom line for me is, I would like to see season two and see if I can learn to love the show like I did the others.  Perhaps once the season is over, I'll try to sign up for a free week and binge it.

One last thing.... I've seen a lot of negative comments about the opening titles for the show, but I LOVE THEM !!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Poldark, season 3 PBS

It's been awhile!  I figured with Season 4 right around the corner (overseas, anyway) I would post my thoughts Season 3 on PBS.  As usual, it was a very good presentation covering The Black Moon and The Four Swans.

The series opens with Elizabeth on a run-away horse.  Of course Ross saves her from going over the cliff and she does not appreciate it.  George is his usual pompous self, reminding all of us how much we hate him. lol  I got the impression that Lizzie was attempting to abort her baby.

Early on, we are introduced to three new characters -  Demelza's brothers, Sam and Drake and Morwenna, Elizabeth's cousin.  Drake (who is really cute, btw) comes to tell Demelza that her father is dying.  Demelza wants no part of it, but in the end, blood wins out and she goes to his bedside.

Drake, Morwenna, and Sam
Dwight and Caroline are secretly married with Ross and Demelza as witnesses.  Shortly after the ceremony, things are happening over at the Warleggan's.  Elizabeth has 'fallen' down the stairs!  She started having labor pains, pretty much confirming the baby daddy is Ross.  In desperation, to keep George from finding out, she throws herself down the stairs, to make it seem like the labor starts from this.  Dwight is called from his honeymoon bed to help her.  An eclipse of the moon starts as the baby is born. Aunt Agatha says it's a black moon and a bad omen!  Baby Valentine is born, with both mother and baby surviving.  Caroline's Uncle dies under the black moon.  Dwight has to go back to the navy.  Sigh... an unhappy night all round, except for George who believes he has a Warleggan heir.

Drake and Sam start working for Ross, at Delmeza's request.  Sam is a bible-thumper determined to save all the souls in the county.  Drake is not so concerned about that - he meets Morwenna and sparks fly, however Ross has forbidden them to have anything to do with Trenwith and the people who live there!  We learn that Demelza is in the family way again.

Word comes that there has been a skirmish on the seas and rumor has it that not only Dwight's ship went down, but also Captain Blamey's!  Ross takes off to confirm the rumors.  Sam and his followers have the audacity to attend George's church and he does not like it.  He bans them from it, causing even more discord between the two families.  Word comes that The Esmerelda, Cap. Blamey's ship, has put into port and all is well for Verity.  A short while later, Ross gets word that there are hundreds of English prisoners in a convent turned prison in France and he decides to go and see if he can get a list of prisoners.  This is an extremely dangerous mission, nearly costing Ross his life, but he prevails.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch,   Demelza gives Sam a building on Nampara land for his church.  George is made a Magistrate, a position Ross had turned down, and in true fashion, wreaks havoc for the poor offenders.  He's such a dick.  Drake and Morwenna grow closer.

Ross returns and Dwight's name is on the list of the prisoners!  They are all relieved.  George and Elizabeth and Valentine go to London and leave Geoffrey and Aunt Agatha with Morwenna.  I think it is so sad that Elizabeth will not even try to bond with her son, Valentine.  She is having trouble coping with the secret until a doctor gives her some magic powder to calm her nerves. lol  Back in Nampara a baby girl is born - Miss Clowance Poldark.  

The oily and odious Rev.Whitworth is introduced - he is so well played by Christian Brassington. . George wants to arrange a marriage to Morwenna. Ross, Demelza, and Caroline devise a somewhat dangerous plan to smuggle food for the starving poor people.  Meanwhile, back in France, Dr. Enys is suffering greatly in the horrible French prison.

While Aunt Agatha is planning a 100th birthday party, Ross leaves on a dangerous journey to France to rescue Dwight, along with some of his friends from the mine, including Zacky Martin and Cap't. Henshawe and stowaway, Drake.  It's edge of your seat excitement as they manage to get Dwight and another man, Lt. Armitage to safety.  It is not without casualties though - Drake is injured and Captain Henshawe is killed.

Drake is nearly caught pranking George with toads. Poor Morwenna is forced to marry the horney Reverend.

Luke Norris does an outstanding performance as Dr. Enys struggles with what we now call PTSD.  Poor Caroline doesn't understand; Ross tells her be patient and enlists the help of Lt. Armitage.   There is a lovely, tender scene with Carolyn and Dwight sitting in the garden, where he tries to tell her why he is not himself.

Dwight and Caroline
Morwenna is living a miserable life with Rev.Whitworth.  He arranges for her sister to come and stay with them.  Lt. Armitage starts paying special attention to Demelza.  She in turn starts falling for his charms.

George essentially kills Aunt Agatha when he tells her she is not 100 and there will be no party.  She plants doubts about Valentine's parentage before she dies, setting the stage for a lot of heartache to come.  Ross is furious when he finds out George orders a paupers burial with no headstone. He digs her grave and vows George will pay. Later, he runs into Elizabeth at the church and has a heartfelt conversation about their relationship, what happened the night of his infidelity, and the baby.  He kisses her several times, more as a goodbye than an "I want you", however Prudie sees them.

Armitage is really putting the moves on Demelza and she is falling for it hook, line, and sinker.  Through this whole series, Demelza has voiced her feelings that Ross can do whatever he wants, so why can't she? I think this is meant to give the viewers some insight as to why she finally gives in to Armitage  Prudie tells her about seeing Ross kiss Elizabeth at the graveyard and I think that is a turning point for her.

Ross becomes acutely aware of her feelings for the lieutenant when she sings at a party and only has eyes for him.  It was really heartbreaking to watch that scene.  I could really feel his pain when he spoke with Demelza of it later on that same evening.  Demelza tells Ross she will look at him like that again and to be patient with her as she has been with him.

Ross, watching Demelza sing to Armitage

Dr. Enys orders Reverend Ozzie to refrain from relations with Morwenna until she has time to heal from her difficult birthing.  He turns to her sister for 'comfort' who turns on him telling him she's pregnant with his child and cons him into giving her money so she can marry a librarian who will make an honest woman of her, as the saying goes.  Old horn-dog goes to Morwenna and says she must resume her wifely duties.  She says no and threatens to kill their baby if he touches her.

Lizzie reads George the riot act for allowing his suspicions to ruin their marriage and happy home.  She swears on the bible that she has never given herself to any man except her first husband and him -  he is doubtful, so she then tells him she's leaving him.  George loses it and swears he will never question her faithfulness again and begs her forgiveness, which she gives to him.   Meanwhile, Ross has this epiphany during a confrontation with Tholley and decides if he's asked again to stand for public office, he will not refuse.

A disquieting ending as Demelza returns home after her affair with Armitage. They both look so sad! They embrace, but it is not a hopeful one.

A long post, but dang, a lot happened this season!!  I'm looking forward to season 4, which will probably get here sometime in the fall. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Confessions of a TV junkie....

I admit it.  I'm a TV junkie.  Having grown up with television as part of daily life, it's no surprise.  I don't remember when my parents got a TV, but I do remember sitting in front of one every Saturday morning, bowl of cereal in hand, watching Rin Tin Tin, Sky King, Ramar of the Jungle, Sheena, Queen of the Jungle, The Little Rascals, and The Three Stooges - not to mention all the cartoon shows and local heroes like Johnny Ginger, Jingles, Poop-deck Paul and my favorite, Soupy Sales, who were on every day after school.

Poopdeck Paul, Milky the Clown, Captain Jolly, Jingles, Johnny Ginger, and Bozo
As the years went by, and I was allowed to stay up for some night time TV, it was all about the cowboys - Cheyenne, Sugarfoot, and Bronco Lane were my favorites - possibly my first celeb crush was Ty Hardin as Bronco Lane...or maybe Fess Parker as Davey Crockett.

Ty Hardin and Fess Parker

 Then the teen/pre-teen years of Dr. Kildare, Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, and Captain Kirk at the top of the list.  

Richard Chamberlain, David McCallum, Robert Vaughn, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner
As I matured (somewhat anyway) and settled into marriage and motherhood, the TV obsessions kind of took a back seat, but never completely left as they lay in wait for me to have the freedom to indulge again. lol

Fast forward to recent years - me, a retired little old lady and what happens?  POLDARK.  Holy moley, that show awoke the kraaken!  I mean, I've always had my list of current favorites, with Sean Bean at the top for a long time (the Sharpe series reeled me in), but the Aidan Turner obsession was one to behold.  I put that past tense because, though he's still numero uno, I'm no longer watching him practically non-stop like I was with Being Human, The Hobbit, Poldark and anything else I could get my eyes on with him in it.

Which leads me to the reason I started this post - my latest obsession:

OMG.  I love this show so much! I have a post on this blog from when Lucifer first aired saying I think I will like this show.  However, it was on at the same time as another favorite show and with no DVR or Hulu, it was somewhat forgotten.  I'm a fan of Tom Ellis from his Miranda days, when he played Gary, so about a week ago, while browsing Hulu (thank you Alex) I found all 3 seasons, up to the current episode available and starting binging.  Now, I'm driving my sister/roommate crazy with Tom Ellis this and Lucifer that.

This show has everything I love about a TV show.  Good writing and good casting with well-defined characters that you come to know and love.  Lucifer has left hell and moved to Los Angeles where he falls in with a police detective and helps to solve crimes in his own unique way.  It's very much like Castle in the early years with a strong supporting cast that becomes like family to the viewer.  The dialogue is witty and the acting top-notch.  Tom Ellis says so much with a single look.  I can't get enough of him. Like Castle and Beckett, his relationship with Chloe Decker is intense and at the same time fun.  You can tell by the number of you tube videos that a lot of other people feel the same way I do about the show.

It will be interesting to see where the writers take the story.  I sincerely hope they don't ruin it by putting Lucifer and Chloe together as a couple with engagement or marriage as a goal.  That's what led to the demise of  Moonlighting and Castle as far as I'm concerned.  They need to keep their relationship like Sam and Jack on Stargate - ever present, obviously in love, but not ever saying I Love You out loud to each other,(except in dreams, aternate universes and such - lol).  Also the writers need to never forget the importance of the supporting characters in Luci's life - Mazikeen, Trixie, Ella, Dan, Charlotte, Amenadial, and Dr. Linda.  Remember on Castle, when after they got engaged and she went to the FBI and Esposito, Ryan, Lani, Martha and Alexis were hardly seen??  I hated that season so much and almost quit watching.  At any rate, if you loved Castle, you will most likely love this show too.

My favorite episode is in season one A Priest Walks into a Bar - I just love the piano duet with the priest and the one at the end with Chloe.  I love that it shows Lucifer, who is definitely a fish out of water in his human form, coming to grips with the fact that despite the polar opposite of devil and priest, he finds he really cares about Father Frank in a way he never knew he could.  It also brings him closer to Chloe who teaches him the value of friends in a time of need.  My other favorite episodes have scenes with Trixie, Chloe's Adorable-with-a-capital-A daughter and Maize, the demon who escaped hell with Lucifer and is his bodyguard of sorts.

There's a lot of videos on You Tube if you want to see what it's about.  Just search 'Lucifer or Tom Ellis'.

Aimee Garcia (Ella), Keven Alejandro (Dan), Lauren German (Chloe), Tom Ellis,(Lucifer), Tricia Helfer (Charlotte), Leslie-Ann Brandt (Mazikeen),  D.B. Woodside (Amenadial), Rachel Harris (Dr. Linda), Scarlett Estevez (Trixie)

And for your viewing pleasure: 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Poldark - PBS, season 2, revisited!

With season 3 of Poldark starting overseas, I decided I would re-watch season 2 to try and figure out why I found it less satisfying than season 1.  Don't get me wrong, I still loved it, but just not quite as much as the first season.

I've come to the conclusion that the friction between Demelza and Ross, even before his great transgression, seemed to trump everything else that happens.  As Demelza points out, the bloom of new love has faded and she is having doubts as to whether or not Ross still loves her.  She's quite snarky is several scenes.  Now, Demelza is supposed to a spirited, street-wise, feisty kinda gal but she was closer to being menopausal in some of her scenes.  Let's face it - married couples argue and go through hard times and one would expect that the Poldarks are no different.  What strikes me is how much these argumentative scenes stuck in my mind so much more than the affectionate, loving ones.  Why was that?  The stocking scene was so sweet, sexy, and loving - as was the tub scene, but they did not have as much impact as the snarky ones for some reason.... at least for me. 

Another thing that stands out is how dense Ross is regarding Demelza's insecurities. Really, there was a least two times I wanted to smack him. lol  When Demelza says 'Elizabeth looked good tonight' and he looks up with a little half smile and says Yes, she did - really Ross, you couldn't throw in a 'BUT she doesn't hold a candle to you, my love' or something like that? His block-headedness really hurts her.  He was like that in the first season too, so it's not like he would change.  Still I really feel for Demelza at those times.

Ross' infidelity was a major story point in this season.  It has been discussed to death all over the net - was it rape or not?  I felt the show made it seem less like a rape, more like a half-hearted attempt to not give in to passion on Elizabeth's part - an angry desire to have her before George does on Ross'.  As expected, his actions nearly destroy his marriage and it's hard to watch the struggle to keep it from falling completely apart.  The final episode leaves us hopeful.

I took more time paying attention to Dr. Ennis and Caroline's story and have to applaud both Luke and Gabriella for their great acting.  They really bring the characters to life.  In fact, everyone in the show is so good.  Great casting, costuming, sets, music, directing, and a GREAT story - oh, and George gets the snot kicked out of him - what more could a viewer want?

What I enjoyed most was the transition of Francis from a self-centered fop under George's control to a kind, loving father and husband.  I love the scenes of him with Geoffrey Charles out in the fields, and the big one where he tells George in no uncertain terms to stay out of his home and his life.  It was wonderful to watch Kyle; witness how good an actor he is!  His heartfelt conversation with Demelza before he dies is just so well done and is truly my favorite scene. As much as we all love Aidan's portrayal of Ross, it is Kyle's portrayal of Francis that really shines for me this season.

I have to be patient until October gets here so I can watch season 3.  I know it will be worth the wait.